Rules for Zoom Hearings

  • This is a legal proceeding; treat it as such. 
  • Attire must be appropriate for court. No hats, sunglasses, masks, or bare chests. 
  • Mute your microphone upon joining. Unmute your microphone when asked to do so or your name and case are called. Your camera must be on so the Judge can see you. 
  • No tobacco or drug use. 
  • Use courtesy and common sense. Do not interrupt and stop speaking when asked to do so. 
  • No background distractions. No music, family, friends, or pets. Make sure your background is appropriate. 
  • No multi-tasking. Pay attention to the hearing. Put your cell phone away unless it is being used for the zoom call. 
  • No video games, reading, or other activities during the hearing. 
  • Speak clearly and loud enough to be heard.