Town Hall will be closed Tuesday, March 4th due to the anticipated extreme weather.


Completed Projects

Town Comprehensive Plan Update

The current comprehensive (master) plan was adopted in 2004. While this plan has served the Town for over 19 years as the primary long-range guiding document for a community to achieve its vision and goals, the contents are antiquated and need to be updated with current events. The Town looks to align with the Department of Local Affair's (DOLA) goals to have our community’s “comprehensive plans (or master plan) that provides the policy framework for regulatory tools like zoning, subdivision regulations, annexations, and other policies. A comprehensive plan promotes the community's vision, goals, objectives, and policies, establishes a process for orderly growth and development, addresses both current and long-term needs, and provides for a balance between the natural and built environment. Elements addressed in a comprehensive plan may include: recreation and tourism (required by state statutes), transportation, land use, economic development, affordable housing, environment, parks and open space, natural and cultural resources, hazards, capital improvements, water supply and conservation, efficiency in government, sustainability, energy, and urban design.”

In June 2023, Kimley-Horn was awarded a contract to complete an update to the Town Comprehensive Plan.

2024 Comprehensive Plan