Notice is hereby given that the Town of Kiowa Planning Commission and Board of Trustees shall hold a public hearing regarding the request for minor subdivision and rezoning from PL-1 (Schools and Public Lands) to MU (Mixed Use Retail District), for a property described as Section: 17, Township: 8 S, Range: 63 W, 6th P.M. Book 739/Page 745, Parcel A , Town of Kiowa, County of Elbert, State of Colorado, and generally located at 515 Comanche St, Kiowa, Colorado 80117, pursuant to the Town of Kiowa Municipal Code.
The public hearing shall be held before the Planning Commission on November 29, 2023, and the Board of Trustees on December 12, 2023, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or as soon as possible thereafter as the agenda permits, at the Kiowa Town Hall, 404 Comanche Street, Kiowa, Colorado 80117, or at a place otherwise specified by the Town Clerk.
Further information is available by calling (303) 621-2366.
All interested persons may attend.