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May 9, 2023 Minutes

Town of Kiowa Water & Wastewater Authority

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 9th, 2023

Call to Order


The regular meeting of the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority was called to order on May 9th, 2023, at 6:00pm by President Debbie Ullom with the following in attendance.

Directors: Eric Whitman in person, Tim Craft and Teresa Parker via zoom. 
Town Clerk: Tasha Chevarria 
Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd 
Guests: Paul Grant and Marvyn Smith on Zoom, Andrew Lowry in person.

Consent Items

  1. Approval of Agenda
    Eric Whitman made the motion to approve the agenda. Debbie Ullom seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.
  2. Approval of Minutes
    Eric Whitman made the motion to approve the April 11th regular meeting minutes as written. Tim Craft seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Financial Report

  1. Year to date P&L
    The financials were reviewed and discussed.

Staff Reports

  1. Paul Grant, Headways Consultant, LLC
    Paul Grant’s monthly report was reviewed and discussed.
  2. Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk
    The System Totals reports for March and April were included in the packet for review. The water loss has gone back down to 9.41%. Tasha also gave the board the Independence rate study sheet with the addition of water and wastewater rates from Bennett and Elizabeth.
  3. Grant updates - Kim
    Kimberly Boyd, Town Administrator gave an update on the grant applications. Kim reported that we received an administrative grant for a rate study on KWWA. The RFP is out and will be open until May 18th. The grant application for a second well has been submitted to DOLA. A pre-qualification pro/con meeting is being scheduled with CDPHE for the matching funds being applied for from them. Kim will also be applying for a federal grant for specific to water, to pay for grant writing.

Public Comments


Old Business

  1. Ordinance for water determinations and Bargain and Sale Deed
    Tabled until June.
  2. Clean up Operating Agreement between Town of Kiowa and KWWA
    Tabled until June.
  3. Rate Study and Asset Management
    The RFP is out for the rate study, we have received a grant to pay for it, and it will be required for the well grant.

New Business

  1. Staff Resignation 
    Tasha Chevarria has given the board her resignation, she will be here until May 31st. Interviews have been scheduled for May 10th and 11th, with the intent of having someone hired so that Tasha can spend time training before the end of the month.
  2. Resolution concerning the use of water by the Kiowa Fire Protection District in emergency situations. 
    The resolution was discussed, and it was suggested that we amend it to limit the amount of water used for training at no charge to 3,000 gallons. Tim Craft made the motion to approve Resolution 2023-02 with the amendment. Eric Whitman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. Tasha will communicate the change to the attorney.






Eric Whitman made the motion to adjourn, Debbie Ullom seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.

The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday June 13th, 2023, at Town Hall at 6:00pm

Minutes Approved by:
Debbie Ullom, President
Katti Arnold, Town Clerk