January 10, 2024 Minutes

Kiowa Water and WasteWater Authority

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority was called to order on January 10, 2024, at 5:59pm by Eric Whitman with the following in attendance:

Directors: Teresa Parker, Tim Craft, Laurel Brown, and Bret Wager.

Also present:
Rick Kolm, Town of Kiowa Mayor, Kim Boyd, Town Administrator, Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk/Utility Billing Clerk, and Paul Grant, Headways Consultant LLC via Phone.

Consent Items

Approval of Agenda 

After a request by the town clerk to amend the agenda to add a discussion about a hardship request, President Erick Whitman requested an approval of the agenda with the amendment added to the New Business section. Tim Craft made the m'otion to approve the agenda as amended. Teresa Parker seconded the motion. Motion passed with no discussion.

Approval of Minutes 

President Eric Whitman requested an approval of the minutes. Teresa Parker made the motion to approve the minutes. Tim Craft seconded the motion. Motion passed with no discussion.

Financial Report

Financials were looked at and there was a brief discussion as to why the information did not include the first payment made towards the PNA grant. At the time, without all the information, an answer was not possible.

Staff Reports

Sasha Davidson

November/December System totals reports - large leak at the water tower with loss 600,000+ gallons. The tower can lose 400 gallons/minute when fully flowing. The fire department used water from the Town of Elbert during several structural fires, so they did not use any of our water in December. 

Neptune Update - Orders have been placed for the software system and belt clip reader. Phoenix created a separate admin login access. RVS need to update our current transfer file to a V$ Neptune 360 formatted transfer file so that the reader and software can all work together. 

Express Bill Pay/RVS Software Bills. - There are customers who are signed up on Express Bill pay that do not want paper bills. The two systems do not talk to each other automatically. The information must be sent between the two systems by the clerk. A list was generated that shows that 68 accounts in Express Bill Pay have requested no paper bill. The clerk will have to go in by hand into RVS to mark a "no bill printed". The clerk will email each person on the list and make sure people no longer want a paper postcard. 

A request was made by the board that minutes be provided by the clerk on the day after the meeting, or early the next week so that the board can review them. They would also like the meeting packet to be provided by the Thursday before the meeting, so unnecessary changes to the meeting can be avoided if possible. Changing the logo to reflect KWWA on the minutes and agenda was also requested.

Kim Boyd

We are still working on the "project needs assessment". Wright Water $10,000 grant report - there have been two payments made, with $1,819.20 left. DCPAG Certificate of Insurance is close to having a draft ready for review. 

SRF -State Revolving fund Loan - $2 Million and matching grants. Tim Craft and Teresa Parker agreed to be grant liaisons. There was also discussion about matching funds from the state and loans for the new water well and narrowing down the list of items that we must have vs items we would like to have. 

Paul Grant 

The phone box will be pulled on Friday, January 12th and repaired so the system will notify us if there is a leak at the tower. When a notification is sent out, Paul or someone from his team can be there in 45 minutes. After brief discussion, a designee could be named to go stop/shut off the high service pumps so it could be done sooner. 

Sewer Plant - Still waiting on an excel pump gear box because the valve is stuck. The board would like meter leak information sent to them so they can be kept up to date. Need to look at a resolution for guidelines about curb stop shut offs and if shut off valves at the house fails. Dana Kepner -Old meter parts and lids for the pits are still purchased here. 

Meters reading "0" -There are 28 meters still reading "0" -7 are vacant, 6 are irrigation and shut off for season, 8 have old meters and are not using enough water to roll over the meter, 7 are still being investigated. 

The new well going in will be the same as the old well. The tank needs to be sandblasted and recciated but can last for quite a while. There was a discussion about chlorine contact time, which is 30 minutes.

Old Business

DOLA-needs to be a rate increase, with other rate studies also showing a rate increase is needed. There was discussion about how to undertake this rate increase whether in steps or at once.

New Business

  • Hardship request - A customer requested a hardship variance for payment on a repair. The board discussed the request and decided to give the customer until March 3l51 to pay the full amount. The clerk was directed to send a letter to this effect.






Tim Craft made the motion to adjourn, Teresa Parker seconded, and the motion passed with no discussion. The meeting adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, February 13, 2023, at Town Hall at 6:00pm