- When does the Planning Commission meet?
ThePlanning Commission meets once a month, on the third Wednesday of the month at 6pm, here at Town Hall.
- How does a member of the public get on the monthly meeting agenda for public comment?
Persons can sign up for public comment up to 15 minutes prior to the Joint Planning Commission meeting start. If you are not able to speak during the meeting, please feel free to call, email or submit comments, questions, or concerns.
- What is the meeting protocol and standards of conduct?
Public comment is encouraged and will be listed as an agenda item at every regular monthly meeting.
Each individual wishing to be heard during the public comment period will be given up to three (3) minutes to make a comment.
The public comment period will not be used to make political endorsements or for political campaign purposes.
Questions from the Commission will be for clarification purposes only. Public comment will not be used as a time for problem solving or reacting to comments made but, rather, for listening to the comments of citizens without taking any formal action.
Speakers are not allowed to make belligerent, accusatory, impertinent, slanderous, threatening, abusive, or disparaging comments.
The Chairman or Co-Chairman may elect to defer public comment on a specific issue that appears on the regular agenda until specific item is addressed.
The Mayor/Chairman may call for order when sidebar conversations occur in the audience. Those conversations are distracting from the Board addressing the topics at hand.
Members of the public who do not follow proper conduct after a warning in a public meeting may be barred from further participation at the meeting or removed from the Board Chambers pursuant to the Kiowa Municipal Code and Colorado Revised Statutes.
- How do I apply for a position on the Commission and what are the qualifications /requirements needed?
Applications are opened up at the beginning of each calendar year for openings on the Board.
Qualifications for Town of Kiowa Planning Commission Membership:
- U.S. Citizen;
- Not connected with any other town department or commission;
- Must have knowledge of physical and economic conditions of the town and the purpose and scope of town planning;
- Registered elector of the Town of Kiowa;
- Resident of Kiowa for a period of no less than twelve (12) consecutive months preceding the election;
- Never convicted of a felony; and,
- Not an employee of the Town of Kiowa.
- Be an active member of the Town operations.
- Have regular attendance at monthly and/or executive and special meetings.
- Provide input to operations, policies, and procedures.
- As able, participate in training events, events, and fundraising efforts.
- Promote the Town to colleagues and community.
Planning Commission FAQs