Kiowa Water and WasteWater Authority
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority was called to order on February 11, 2025, at 5:34pm by President Gabehart.
Pledge of Allegiance
President Gabehart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
Present: President Donald Gabehart, Director Bret Wager, Director Laurel Brown and Treasurer Teresa Parker. Secretary Jill Duvall joined the meeting via Zoom.
Also in attendance:
Mayor Howard, Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees
Trustee Hart, Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees
Kim Boyd, Town Administrator
Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk
Paul Grant, Headways Consultants on Zoom
Colin Mielke - KWWA Attorney on Zoom
Consent Items
- Approval of the Agenda - President Gabehart entertained a motion to approve the agenda. Director Wager made the motion to approve the agenda. Treasurer Parker seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.
- Approval of the minutes of January 14, 2025, monthly meeting and January 28, 2025, Special Meeting. - President Gabehart entertained a motion to approve the minutes of January 14, 2025, and January 28, 2025. Director Wager made the motion to approve the minutes with the amendment concerning the mayor's title. Treasurer Parker seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Financial Reports
There was note of a change in the computer supplies in the software line item due to adding the Civic Plus program, so appropriations need to be made. The sewer infrastructure and repairs budget are going up due to the repairs of the pumps and may continue to go up next month due to the same reason. There was also a mention of the legal bills have already gone up a bit. Lastly, it was noted by the board that the addition of a variance column on the financial report was appreciated.
Staff Reports
- Paul Grant, ORC
- Monthly Report - written report was submitted in the packet. No discussion.
- Repairs at Sewer Plant - The first pump is doing well. The second lift station pump will be installed next week or week after depending on the weather. As soon as the second pump is installed, they should be able to start pumping down the lagoon.
- Meters -102 meters have been ordered from Ferguson, but they will not come in until March. Once the meters are in, then a schedule will be set to get them installed.
- Kim Boyd, Town Administrator
- No reports
- Sasha Davidson, Clerk
- Systems Total Report - There was a decrease in the water loss this month, and in comparison, with previous years, it is following the pattern. This month seven shut-off letters and nine warning letters were sent out. There is still one customer from a few months ago that still has not paid and has not had water and sewer services for over four months. There was a question about downstream leaks and who is responsible for payment. If it is on the customer's side, it is their responsibility and if it is on the KWWA's infrastructure side, then it is our responsibility. If an outside contractor is responsible, then it is up the injured party to pursue funding through the contractor.
- Diamond Maps - The program has been initiated, and Sasha attended a training session in Simla and has begun working on the maps starting with the fire hydrants. Examples were shown and explanations about how the program operates were given. It was noted that there are a few errors on the google map regarding street names and alleys. It was noted that a discussion with the auditor might help clarify this issue. The meter is the property of KWWA and under the division of work, KWWA is responsible for the meter's maintenance and repairs unless the homeowner deliberately damages the meter.
- Old Business
- Meter Deposit Fees, Tap Fees and Sewer Rate Increase -
- The surcharge for the meters was discussed over many meetings and it was noticed to the residents via their water bill and on social media. There was no documentation regarding the termination of the meter surcharge. There were no notices or ordinances filed with the newspaper. There was no resolution made either regarding this issue. It was noted that there was no termination because it was unsure when the meters would all be installed and paid for.
- The meter deposit fee was discussed. The balance of the account does not match the meters that exist - in part because in the past the deposit fee was not always collected. In addition, the amount being charged now is only about a third of what the meters cost to purchase.
- The sewer rate increase was the next topic of conversation. Based on the water rate analysis, the sewer rate was about 22% behind. With the most recent increase, it is still 19% in arrears, which is about 12 dollars per account a month. With constant maintenance and repairs at the sewer plant, the sewer fund needs to be solvent. There was debate over whether this rate raise was necessary now or should be put off. Additionally, it was mentioned that to have a balanced budget either cuts would need to happen, or a rate raise should occur. A decision was made that a public hearing needed to be held to discuss the possibility of a 19% sewer rate raise.
President Gabehart entertained a motion to hold a public hearing during the April 8, 2025, meeting for the purpose of discussing the 19% sewer rate increase. Director Wager made the motion to hold a public hearing during April 8, 2025, meeting to discuss the sewer rate increase. Secretary Duvall seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.
- Security Fence for Water Tower-Three proposals came in by today's date, and two others were coming in later in the week. Colorado Rural Water will provide a $5,000 grant to go towards the fence. If the board wants to go for $5,000 more there would need to a Safe Water Protection Plan and put together a town wide steering committee. It was noted that it might be hard to get participation for this committee. The board decided to ensure security, the fence needs to be put up now and not wait for the possibility of the additional grant money. After looking at the proposals, the board chose to go with a local bidder who was the most cost effective.
President Gabehart entertained a motion to hire Frontier Fence to construct the barrier fence around the water tower. Director Wager made the motion to hire Frontier Fence to construct the fence for a value of $14,250.00. Treasurer Parker seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion. - Review proposed revisions to the KWWA and TOK Operating Agreement-The document was perused and discussed by the board members and administrator, with suggestions made and questions asked for clarification. The KWWA attorney noted the changes to be put into a revised document and clarified issues as they arose. It was noted that there are a few wells that are not included in the KWWA list that might need to be added to Exhibit A if they are proven to belong to the Authority.
President Gabehart entertained a motion to approve the amended KWWA and TOK Operating Agreement with revisions. Secretary Duvall made a motion to approve the amended KWWA and TOK Operating Agreement with revisions. Treasurer Parker seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.
- Meter Deposit Fees, Tap Fees and Sewer Rate Increase -
New Business
- Review proposed revisions to KWWA and Headways Consultant LLC Agreement -There is a cost increase of $150.00 month in the contract, which was included in the budget. So, the agreement needs to be revised to reflect the increase. The KWWA attorney made proposed changes to the agreement for the board to approve. Paul Grant approved the changes, with the stipulation that his personnel contacts be updated.
President Gabehart entertained a motion to approve the revisions to the KWWA and Headways Consultant LLC Agreement. Treasurer Parker made a motion to approve the revisions to the KWWA and Headways Consultant LLC Agreement. Director Wager seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion. - Rehab of Water Storage Tank - In 2022 the 100,000-gallon tank was inspected on the outside and inside with divers. The inspection is good for five years, so it is good until 2027. At this time the tank needs to be sanded and painted inside and out. Currently, bids are being sought for this project.
Pres·ident Gabehart entertained a motion to adjourn. Treasurer Parker made the motion to adjourn. Director Brown seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion. The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 5:30pm at Kiowa Town Hall.
Minutes Approved by: Jill Duvall, KWWA Secretary
Sasha Davidson, Secretary to the Board