December 19, 2022 Minutes

Town of Kiowa Water & Wastewater Authority

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2022

Call to Order


The regular meeting of the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority was called to order on December 19, 2022, at 6:01pm by President Debbie Ullom with the following in attendance: Directors: Eric Whitman, Annette Burmaster, and Tim Craft all via Zoom. Teresa Lowry was absent. Town Clerk: Tasha Chevarria was absent. Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd•

Consent Items

  1. Approval of Agenda
    Tim Craft made the motion to approve the agenda as presented, Eric Whitman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0 with no discussion.
  2. Approval of Minutes
    Tim Craft made the motion to approve the minutes as written, Eric Whitman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0 with no discussion.

Financial Report

  1. Year to Date P&L
    The financials were reviewed and discussed, there were no questions.

Staff Reports

  1. Paul Grant, Headways
    Paul's monthly report was included in the packet for everyone to review. No discussion.
  2. Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk
    In her absence, Tasha's monthly report was included in the packet for everyone to review. No discussion.
  3. Rachel Summers, Grant Writer - update from Kim
    Kim Boyd advised there was no report to give this month.

Public Comments


Old Business


New Business

  1. Approve 2023 Budget
    Eric Whitman made the motion to approve the 2023 Budget as presented and authorize Kim Boyd to send same to the State and USDA, as required. Annette Burmaster seconded, and the motion carried 4-0 with no






Tim Craft made the motion to adjourn, Annette Burmaster seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.

The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at Town Hall at 6:00pm
Minutes Approved by:

Debbie Ullom, President Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk

Minutes Approved by:                                           

Debbie Ullom, President            Tasha Chavairra, Town Clerk