Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority was called to order on August 9th, 2022, at 6:00pm by President Debbie Ullom with the following in attendance:
Directors: Eric Whitman in person and Tim Craft and Teresa Parker on zoom.
Town Clerk: Tasha Chevarria
Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd
Guests: John Hill, reporter
Consent Items
- Approval of Agenda
Eric Whitman made the motion to approve the agenda as presented, Teresa Parker seconded and the motion carried 4-0. - Approval of Minutes
Teresa Parker made the motion to approve the minutes as written, Eric Whitman seconded and the motion carried 4-0.
Financial Report
The financial report was reviewed.
Staff Reports
- Paul Grant, Headways
Paul's monthly report was included in the packet for everyone to review. The board was updated about the cost for our pump situation. Once both pumps are repaired and installed, they will budget in the next year or two to have a third pump on hand in case one goes down again. - Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk
The System Totals reports for June and July were included in the packet for review.
Public Comments
Old Business
- IGA with Elbert County for water and sewer service at new Road & Bridge shop
Pending - Update on Engineering for Elbert County Road & Bridge shop
WWE invoices have been paid by the county. We should be able to have to meet next week to discuss what infrastructure KWWA will require based on the engineering. - Update on grant process for new well infrastructure - revised agreement with WWE
Eric Whitman made the motion to amend the original motion made at the June meeting from $15,000 to $20,000. Teresa Parker seconded and the motion carried 4-0. The updated proposal from Wright Water Engineers, LLC was signed.
Original motion from June meeting- "Tim Craft made the motion to form a committee to pursue these issues in tandem with the engineers, with a budget not to exceed $15,000 for third party costs. Eric Whitman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. Tim Craft, Eric Whitman, and Annette Burmaster will serve on the committee."
New Business
- Approve moving bank accounts
Community Banks of Colorado has closed their branch in the Town of Kiowa. Farmers State Bank will be opening a location here. Debbie Ullom proposed moving the Authority's accounts to the bank that will be located in Town. Teresa Parker made a motion to approve moving the KWWA bank accounts from Community Banks of Colorado to Farmers State Bank. Eric Whitman seconded and the motion carried 4-0.
Eric Whitman made the motion to adjourn, Teresa Parker seconded and the motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:21pm.
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday September 13th, 2022 at Town Hall at 6:00pm
Minutes Approved by:
Debbie Ullom, President
Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk