August 8, 2023 KWWA Agenda


Call to Order

Consent Items

  • Approval of the Agenda 
  • Approval of the Minutes

Financial Report

  • Year to date P&L

Staff Reports

  • Paul Grant, Headways Consultant LLC
  • Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk
  • Kimberly Boyd – grant updates

Public Comments

Old Business 

  • Ordinance for water determinations and Bargain and Sale Deed
  • Clean up Operating Agreement between Town of Kiowa and KWWA
  • Resolution Establishing rules and regulations regarding payment of fees

New Business

  • 2024 annual payment amount for Operating Agreement with ToK
  • Presentation by Gabriel Mata of the Colorado Rural Water Association regarding Source Water Protection Planning and grant for KWWA




Agenda Approved By:

Deborah Ullom
Director, Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority