October 8, 2024 Minutes

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes 
October 8, 2024

Call to Order

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order on October 8, 2024, at 7:40 PM by Mayor Kolm. 

Roll Call

Present: Mayor Kolm, Mayor Pro Tern Smith, Trustee Wineland, Trustee Howard, Trustee Hart, and Trustee Shafer. The Town of Kiowa had a quorum to conduct business. 

Also present were: 
Kim Boyd, Town Administrator 
Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk 
Ruth Borne, Town Counsel via Zoom 
Christine Fisher, Fisher Consulting and Project Management 
David Lindauer, Maverix Broadband 
Frank Saya, Maverix Broadband 
Sandy Kalish, Town Planning Commission via Zoom 
Joey Kuhns, Kiowa Business Owner 
John Hill, Ranchland News 
Jill Duvall, KWW A Board 
Jim Duvall 

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Kolm led the Board in the pledge of allegiance. 

Agenda Consent

Trustee Howard made a motion to approve the agenda and Trustee Wineland seconded the motion. The motion was carried 6-0 with no discussion. 

Public Comment

The following individuals made public comment: 

  1. David Lindauer ofMaverix Broadband, Parker, CO
    Ms. Boyd advised Mr. Lindauer that their office had not heard from him, or anyone associated with his entity, since the last monthly meeting and if his intended public comment was regarding a right-of-way permit application the Board would not take public comment from him and they could only speak to him through his attorney, as was stated the previous month. Mr. Lindauer handed out a legal briefing they prepared to the Board and advised it would go to the judge the next morning if they would not discuss the matter during public comment. Mr. Lindauer asserted his rights were being violated, had no other public comment and returned to his seat.
  2. Ms. Joey Kuhns signed up for public comment but decided not to speak.
  3. Ms. Laura Smith with Kiowa Schools wanted to introduce herself and asked the Board for support on the school's 4A Bond initiative. She advised she would discuss it more when we got to her section of the agenda.

Staff Reports



Board of Trustees 

Trustee Howard advised the Fall Fest is this weekend and there will be a pumpkin patch, vendors and Mother Cluckers food truck will be present. Also, kids' costumes contest, fire department and sheriff department will be present, and we could use volunteers and assistance with set up. 

Trustee Howard also made mention that there are two particular non-citizens of Kiowa are wasting taxpayer dollars of town residents through their repeated and incessant records requests that tie up town resources and staff time. 

Town Attorney 


Town Administrator 

Ms. Boyd gave updates to the following: 

  1. Municipal Court
    • Two cases. Both deferred for 1 year and both paid court fees of$75 and a fine of $100.
    • Court dates were changed to the first Monday of each month starting 12/2/2024 due to the Sheriffs Office not having the first Wednesday available. The Sheriff covered our first day of court.
  2. Kiowa Bridge and Stormwater Drainage & Sidewalk Project update
    • Bridge is expected to expand from 12ft lanes (24 ft total) to 20 ft (40 ft total), have a sidewalk/walking path along one side.
    • Bridge is in the design phase now and expected to go to advertisement for construction next Spring with construction to begin in Fall 2025.
    • Stormwater/Sidewalk project is planning the official kick-off by end of October with completion of design and engineering Fall 2025 and will go to advertisement for construction in Winter 2025.

      Discussion: Trustee Shafer asked how they will handle traffic while they are under construction and Mayor Kolm asked how many crossovers there will be. Ms. Boyd advised the flyout will go out to the left going westbound and there will be one crossover. 

      Trustee Hart asked if there would still be parking along the sides of SH-86 for businesses and Ms. Boyd confirmed there will still be parking, that won't change, and they will also be adding a bike lane for the kids to use going to and from school.
  3. Mill Levy - 2024 Preliminary Certification Values
    • Current preliminary values from the Assessor Office is $14,234,380. If that does not change the projected revenue for Kiowa in 2025 is $186,570. We will certify these by resolution at the December monthly meeting.

Public Works


Code Enforcement

4th qtr report due in December

Consent Items

Approval of Minutes from September 10, 2024, Monthly Meeting and October 1, 2024, Special Meeting 

Trustee Howard made the motion to approve the minutes from the September 10, 2024, Monthly Meeting and October 1, 2024, Special Meeting. Trustee Wineland seconded the motion and the motion was carried 6-0 with no discussion. 

Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2024

Ms. Boyd advised the only out of the ordinary expense on this month's expense report is the payment that went to Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority in the amount of $1180 due to staff oversight. Trustee Howard made the motion to approve expenditures for the year-to-date 2024. Trustee Hart seconded, and the motion was carried 6-0 with no discussion. 

Old Business

  1. Updated tablets for Board members

    Ms. Boyd advised Apple Business Manager (no charge service) enables the Town to procure and deploy Apple devices and software that makes these devices attach to the Town via the Apple ID. When used in conjunction with Apple Mobile Device Manager (fee-based application $2/per user per month) all of the Town's Apple devices when purchased through the Apple Business Manager process can be configured, deployed, secured, and patched through the Apple Mobile Device Manager. They can be redeployed seamlessly to another user and there is a record of all the devices under our ownership and what applications that are deployed on those devices. If we want different Mobile Device Management software, we may use any of the Apple approved applications available.

    The cost per device is $348/each. Device: Apple 10.9" iPad Wi-Fi 10th generation - 65 GB

    Lastly, the only uses by Trustees would be to open emails and save packets. But Mike Fisher with Phoenix is willing to train those who are not familiar with Apple devices and that request the training.

New Business

  1. Kiowa Park and Recreation Town Project
    • Christine Fischer of Fischer Project Management & Consulting Services, Inc. gave a PowerPoint presentation of what her services would be regarding this town project.
  2. Mayor Pro Tern Smith made the motion to approve RESOLUTION 15, SERIES 2024- RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL CLIENT AGREEMENT WITH FISCHER PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. FOR KIOWA PARKS AND RECREATION. Trustee Shafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried 6-0 with no further discussion.

    Discussion: John Hill of the Ranchland News suggested the Town forward information pertaining to community meetings on this project to him and he can get those disseminated and promote those meetings through the Ranchland News and their social media pages. He also suggested promoting it throughout the social media app Next Door.
  3. Discussion: Laura Smith and Sarah Armstrong with the Kiowa School spoke to the 4A Initiative the school has on the ballot for the November 5th elections. They detailed the numerous deficiencies with the school that brought them to the decision to apply for the BEST Grant they were recently awarded and the fact that if it doesn't pass at this upcoming election, it is their last chance to secure this grant for Kiowa Schools, or it will be rescinded and given to another Colorado school district. Trustee Howard asserted she has spoken to approximately 20 or so residents concerning this initiative and the majority she spoke with are not in support of this initiative for various reasons, so she feels compelled to vote no on this ordinance, as she considers herself a voice of the citizens of Kiowa, but she did acknowledge other trustees may have had different conversations with others that are in support.

    Trustee Wineland made the motion to approve RESOLUTION 16, SERIES 2024- RESOLUTION SUPPORTING KIOWA SCHOOLS BEST GRANT INITIATIVE. Trustee Shafer seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0 with Trustee Howard being the sole vote for NO, with no further discussion. 
  4. Mayor Pro Tem Smith made the motion to table ORDINANCE 11, SERIES 2024, AN ORDINANCE UPDATING CHAPTER 16, ZONING OF THE TOWN OF KIOWA MUNICIPAL CODE in favor of planning a joint work session with the Planning Commission to work through some areas that were not clear to the Board. Trustee Wineland seconded the motion to table and the motion carried 6-0 with no further discussion. 

    Discussion: It was suggested that this work session coincide with the upcoming monthly Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th. 
  5. Trustee Howard made the motion to approve ORDINANCE 12, SERIES 2024, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING COMPRESSION RELEASE ENGINE BRAKES ("JAKE BRAKE") FOR THE TOWN OF KIOWA, COLORADO. Mayor Pro Tern Smith seconded the motion, and the motion carried 6-0 with no further discussion.




Trustee Wineland made the motion to adjourn at 9:25pm. Trustee Howard seconded, and the motion carried 6-0 with no discussion. 

The next regular meeting will be on November 12th at Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. 


Richard Kolm
Mayor, Town of Kiowa

Kimberly Boyd, Town Administrator