Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2022 - 7pm
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Kiowa was called to order on October 11, 2022, at 7:00 PM by Director Trevor Smith.
Roll Call
Present: Director Trevor Smith, Director Carey Kalisch, Director Tim Chambers and Director Terry Howard. Mayor Rick Kolm arrived late, and Director Jonathon Shafer was absent: The Town of Kiowa had a quorum to conduct business.
Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd
Town Clerk: Tasha Chevarria
Guests: Ruth Borne, Town Counsel, Debbie Ullom, KWWA, Eric Whitman, KWWA, John Hill, reporter, Ronny Farmer, Town Auditor, Melissa Crippen, resident, and Baillie Wineland, business owner and resident.
Pledge of Allegiance
Director Trevor Smith led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Agenda Consent
Ms. Boyd requested to revise the agenda by striking the September 28, 2022 Work Session minutes from "Consent Items" and adding (B) 2021 Audit Presentation and Q&A by Ronny Farmer to "New Business". Director Howard made the motion to approve the agenda with requested revisions. Director Chambers seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Staff Reports
- Mayor
None. - Board of Trustees
None - Town Attorney
Ruth Borne informed the Board that she is still working with Craft Companies and their attorneys, but there have been no new developments or progress toward the development agreement since the September 28th work session. She did advise Ms. Boyd provided Tim Craft and his attorneys with a recording of the September 28th work session that provided better audio of such. - Town Administrator
Ms. Boyd reported that the Town is still in the process of moving all banking accounts over to Farmers State Bank. She is making in-person deposits at the Calhan branch and most of the ACH accounts have been transferred now.
Ms. Boyd reported that Harvest Fest 2022 was a huge success. She passed out Town of Kiowa trick-or-treat bags to the first 100 kiddos through the gate and they were gone in 15-20 minutes. Pumpkins were all gone before the festival was over this year, unlike the 100 or that were left last year. Feedback given:
- Liked having it all at one location.
- Next year will set a time that all vendors need to be in place because still had vendors showing up 15 mins prior to event and wanting to drive through the people to get to their area and set up, very unsafe.
- Request all game booths have candy to hand out to kiddos next year, many did not this year • Will send out a survey asking for feedback from vendors, game booth participants and the historical society.
The Annual Town of Kiowa Tree Lighting is scheduled for Saturday, November 26th.
A request was made by Ms. Boyd for approval from the Board to allow the mayor to sign a letter requesting an admin grant, in the amount of $25,000, from DOLA. This admin grant will require a match, which will come from the ARPA funds received by the Town. The admin grant will be utilized to develop a new comprehensive plan for the Town that will better identify priorities within the Town and allow us to seek the necessary grant funding available to us.
Director Smith made the motion to approve the mayor signing an Admin Grant request letter to DOLA. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Ms. Boyd advised that the Town of Kiowa has applied for a Mineral Impact Grant through DOLA, on behalf of KWWA, for $750,000, which will go towards the Kiowa Water Redundancy Project. She advised she will be going before the determining Board in December to speak to this project and formally request this grant money. She asked the Board for a motion to approve Resolution No. 8, Series of 2022; A resolution supporting the grand application for a mineral impact grant allowing her to request the grant and speaks on the Town's behalf to such.
Director Howard made the motion to approve Resolution No. 8, Series of 2022; A resolution supporting the grant application for a mineral impact grant. Director Chambers seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
- Public Works
None. - Code Enforcement
Ms. Boyd advised the 3rd QTR Code Enforcement report was included with board packet. The number of current open violations is down and clearly a sign that enforcement has been effective. There are currently 2 open files that are set to be written into court if not resolved within the next 30 days.
Public Comment
Eric Whitman gave information about his theater companies upcoming drama, "Murder at the Malt Shop," coming in November. Flyer will be displayed on the community events board in the Town Hall Lobby for more information.
Consent Items
- Approval of minutes from September 2022 BOT monthly meeting
Director Howard made the motion to approve the September 13th, 2022, regular monthly meeting minutes. Director Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion. - Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2022
The year-to-date expenditures were provided for review in the meeting packets. Director Smith made the motion to approve the expenditures. Director Kalisch seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Public Hearing
Director Smith moved to adjourn the open meeting at 7:20 pm and move into public hearing, seconded by Director Howard. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Director Howard moved to the open public hearing at 7:21 pm, seconded by Director Chambers. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
- Langley-Crippen Wedding Reception - Special Event Liquor License
Melissa Crippen was present to speak on behalf of this event. She advised the Board they will be utilizing TIPS trained serving staff with wristbands for those drinking from the open bar. - Kiowa Bar - Special Event Liquor License
Baillie Wineland was present to speak on behalf of this event. She advised they are using the same process and procedures as they did for this same event earlier in the year, such as wristbands and adequate security proportional to the number of people expected to be in attendance.
Director Howard moved to adjourn the open public hearing at 7:23 pm and move into open meeting, seconded by Director Chambers. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Director Howard moved to the open public hearing at 7:23 pm, seconded by Director Smith. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Director Smith made the motion to approve a special event liquor licenses for both applicants. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.
Old Business
- Town parks pavilions
Ms. Boyd presented documentation of the pavilion kits that were purchased earlier this year, as well as documentation of suggested pergola kits they can be exchanged for. The town's building department had previously advised said pergolas would not require a building permit, as the pavilions did, because they fall within the square footage allowed I the current Town Code. Further, the risk of injuries or damages from exceeding snow load capacity and wind gust speed do not exist with the pergolas because the roofs are not enclosed, as the roofs of the pavilions are. The Board concurred they did not want to consider pergolas because they do not provide complete cover from the elements and Debbie Ullom suggested an RFP be put out seeking bids from structural engineers who can design a pavilion that meets all town building code requirements, as well we the foundations they will set upon.
Director Chambers suggested one large pavilion for each of the two parks, as opposed to two separate ones for each park, and suggested a 24x24 size. All board members concurred with Director Chambers idea. Ms. Boyd advised she will get to work preparing an RFP seeking bids for such. Ms. Boyd advised she has been working closely with staff from Menard's in Wyoming, where the pavilion kits were purchased, and was advised she has the option of returning the kits for credit toward materials to build our own design. Mayor Kolm suggested if this is an issue with the company, at this point, he would suggest Ms. Boyd put them out for public auction.
New Business
- New Business License Approvals
There are two new businesses that would like to open in the Town of Kiowa. Elevated Wellness, LLC is a health/medical type of business and K Town Salon will be conducting hair salon services. Director Howard made the motion to approve both business licenses. Director Chambers seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. - 2021 Audit Presentation and Q & A, Ronny Farmer
Ronny Farmer presented the 2021 Audit to the Board. Mr. Farmer advised the Board that the Town needs a resolution to adopt waiver to the State's Tabor Reserve requirement. - Policy 22-015: Standards of Conduct - Criminal Charges
- Policy 22-016: Standards of Conduct-Business Code of Ethics
- Policy 22-017: Standards of Conduct - Honorariums
- Policy 22-018: Standards of Conduct-Smoking and Sale of Tobacco Products
Discussion: Director Howard requested that the policy be revised to include verbiage indicating a specified smoking area on the outside of the town hall and other town-owned facilities. While the current employees do not smoke, she wanted to take into consideration other employees, in the future, that may. Director Smith concurred and suggested the area stay within the State regulations of no less than 10 feet from entry or exits of the buildings. - Policy 22-019: Standards of Conduct-Political Activity
- Policy 22-020: Standards of Conduct - Charity Drive or Employee Solicitation
Director Kalisch made the motion to approve the adoption of Policies 22-015 through 22-020 with the stipulation that Policy 22-018 be revised to indicate there are mandatory smoking areas located no less than 10ft from the entrance/exits of town facilities. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Executive Session
Director Chambers made the motion to adjourn at 8:16pm. Director Kalisch seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
The next regular meeting will be on November 8th at Town Hall at 7:00pm