October 11, 2022 Agenda

Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda

October 11, 2022 - 7pm

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Agenda Consent

  • Approval of Agenda

V. Staff Reports

  • Mayor
  • Board of Trustees
  • Town Attorney
  • Town Administrator
  • Public Works
  • Code Enforcement

VI. Public Comment

VII. Consent Items

  • Approval of minutes from September 2022 BOT monthly meeting and September 28, 2022 Work Session
  • Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2022

VIII. Public Hearing

  • Special Event Liquor Permits Applications
    • Langley-Crippen Wedding Party
    • Kiowa Bar Fall Fashion Show

IX. Old Business

  • Town parks pavilions -Kimberly Boyd

X. New Business

  • New Business License(s) Approvals
    • Elevated Wellness, LLC
    • K Town Saloon
  • 2023 Proposed Budget
  • Policy 22-015: Standards of Conduct - Criminal Charges
  • Policy 22-016: Standards of Conduct-Business Code of Ethics
  • Policy 22-017: Standards of Conduct - Honorariums
  • Policy 22-018: Standards of Conduct - Smoking and Sale of Tobacco Products
  • Policy 22-019: Standards of Conduct - Political Activity
  • Policy 22-020: Standards of Conduct - Charity Drive or Employee Solicitation

XI. Discussion

XII. Correspondence/Information/Review/Discussion

XIII. Executive Session

XIV. Adjourn

Agenda Approved By: Rick Kolm Mayor, Town of Kiowa

Date Posted: October 6, 2022

Time Posted 4:00PM