Town of Kiowa Joint Planning Commission & Variance Committee Minutes
May 18, 2022
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee of the Town of Kiowa was called to order at 6:02 pm by Chairperson Wendy Frenzel.
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Rick Kolm, Mayor Pro Tern Cindy Tapp, Director Trevor Smith, Sandy Kalisch, Debbie Ullom, Chairperson Wendy Frenzel, and Co-Chairperson Andrew Lowry. There was a quorum to conduct business. In addition, Town Administrator, Kim Boyd, and Town Clerk, Tasha Chevarria.
Absent: Lori Rafferty
Public Comment
Consent Item
- Approval of agenda
Co-Chairperson Lowry made the motion to approve the meeting agenda. Debbie Ullom seconded, and the motion carried 3-0 with no discussion. - Approval of minutes from April 2022 meeting
Co-Chairperson Lowry made the motion to approve the April meeting minutes. Debbie Ullom seconded, and the motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
Public Hearing
Old Business
- Discuss current Municode and suggested updates:
- Chapter 16 - Zoning - Article I - Zoning Code; Sec. 16-1. - Definitions.
- Airbnb NRBO
After much discussion concerning information on Summit County's Airbnb program and other information available to the board members, the decision was made to table this until the June meeting in hopes of obtaining further information to base further discussions on.
Discussion: Concerns were voiced regarding lodging taxes, capping number of renters at a time, age limits of renters, parking requirements, requirement for business license, posting rules for the property at the property, fire inspections, good neighbor policy, proximity of property owners to the property when they had renters, possible issues with crime, enforcement of various requirements by the Town and what should those requirements be. - Single Family Residence
Co-Chairperson Lowry made the motion to change the definition of single-family residence, using the language provided by SafeBuilt. Debbie Ullom seconded, and the motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
- Airbnb NRBO
- Chapter 16 - Zoning - Article I - Zoning Code; Sec. 16-1. - Definitions.
- New land use fee schedule for the Town
Consideration was given to existing fee schedules for Bennett, Elbert County, Arapahoe County, and the Town of Parker. Motion was made by Debbie Ullom to recommend to the Board of Trustees that the Town adopt the Town of Parker's fees for community development planning and land use with the addition of Elbert County's fees for pre-application work fees, special district/service plan, and special use by review. Co-Chairperson Lowry seconded, and the motion carried with no further discussion, - Chapter 16 - Zoning-Article X- Planning Commission; Sec. 16-174. -Meetings
- Change in sign requirements
Ms. Chevarria advised that the wording and size of wording requirements causes the size of the notification signs is in excess of the allowances set forth in the Town's current code. She will get the verbiage comparison for what the Town's Charter requires and what the County has on their public hearing sign notifications to see if we can reduce the amount of verbiage.
This item will move forward until we can obtain more information to base a recommendation.
- Change in sign requirements
New Business
Executive Session
Chairperson Frenzel made the motion to adjourn at 8:08pm. Debbie Ullom seconded, and the motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
The next regular meeting will be on June 15th at Town Hall at 6:00pm
Minutes approved by:
Wendy Frenzel, Chairperson
Kimberly Boyd, Town Administrator
Action May be taken on any and all items listed on the agenda.
All visitors must contact the Town Clerk five business days before a scheduled meeting to be placed on the agenda. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 303-621-2366 prior to the meeting.