May 17, 2023 Joint Planning Commission & Variance Committee Minutes

Call to Order 

The regular meeting of the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee of the Town of Kiowa was called to order at 5:57 pm by Sandy Kalisch. 

Roll Call

Present: Mayor Rick Kolm, Sandy Kalisch, Lori Rafferty, and Director Andrew Lowry. There was a quorum to conduct business. Mayor Pro-Tern Trevor Smith arrived shortly after the call to order. 

Also present: Town Administrator, Kim Boyd via Zoom, and Town Clerk, Tasha Chevarria. 

Absent: Chairperson Wendy Frenzel 

Public: Kent and Karen Berends 

Public Comment


Consent Items

  1. Approval of agenda
    Sandy Kalisch made the motion to approve agenda, Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.
  2. Approval of minutes from September 21, 2022, and November 16, 2022, meetings
    Sandy Kalisch made the motion to approve the minutes from the September 21, 2022, and November 16, 2022, meetings. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.

Old Business


New Business


Public Hearings

434 Comanche Street- Re-Zoning request by Farmers State Bank of Kiowa 

Sandy Kalisch made the motion to close the regular meeting at 5:59pm. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion. Sandy Kalisch made the motion to open the public hearing at 6:00pm. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion. 

The staff report packet explaining the re-zoning request was distributed. There were no questions or comments from the Planning and Variance Commission or from any public in attendance. 

Sandy Kalisch made the motion to close the public hearing and enter back into the regular meeting at 6:02pm. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion. 

Sandy Kalisch made the motion to recommend approval of the proposed re-zoning of 434 Comanche Street from Residential (R-1) zoning to Retail Business (C-1 ), to the Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees, based on the findings included in the staff report. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion. 

Mayor Pro-Tern Trevor Smith added that he would like to continue investigating other properties in Town that have potential zoning discrepancies. 



Executive Session



Sandy Kalisch made the motion to adjourn at 6:04pm. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried 2- 0 with no discussion. 

The next regular meeting will be on June 21st at Town Hall at 6:00pm.