March 8, 2022 Minutes

Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes 

March 8, 2022

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Kiowa was called to order on February 8, 2022, at 7:02 PM by Mayor Kolm.

Roll Call

Present: Mayor Kolm, Director Trevor Smith, Director Tim Chambers, Director Cindy Tapp, Director Terry Howard, and Director Carey Kalisch. The Town of Kiowa had a quorum to conduct business. 

Excused Absence(s): Director Jonathon Shafer 

Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd 
Guests: Robert Tibbals, Esq., Debbie Ullom, KWWA, and Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Kolm led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.

Agenda Consent

Mayor Kolm revised the agenda to add a report under Public Works for surplus equipment. Director Tapp made the motion to approve the revised March agenda. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.

Staff Reports

  1. Mayor
    No reports.
  2. Board of Trustees
    No reports.
  3. Town Attorney
    Mr. Tibbals reported Elbert County is working through their May elections, at this time, but he and Tasha are working towards having an IGA completed with them in due time to meet our respective deadlines for the November elections. Regarding the outstanding issues with MuniCode, a conference call will be coordinated between himself, Ms. Boyd, and them to get updates made to the current code.
  4. Town Administrator
    • Code Enforcement
      Ms. Boyd advised Susie Ellis with CPS made her first rounds in Town on Wednesday, March 2nd, she advised there was a positive response in her interactions that day and nothing she felt was going to be a big source of contention with, at this point. She has provided the town with her contact information for the citizens and that information was included in this month's newsletter and on the Town's FB page.
    • MyPay Solutions
      First payroll under this new service was on March 1st. Payroll did not hit on payday, but the issue was remedied very quickly, and payroll was out to the accounts later in the day on
      payday: however, depending on any delays from the respective banks, payroll may have hit the employee's accounts no later than the day after. Still working on some glitches but in all worked wonderfully.
    • TOK Easter Egg Hunt and other planned events/activities
      Town's East Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 9th . Our newly formed Events Committee met for the first-time the week prior and discussed activities for this event. We are currently seeking sponsors and volunteers for this event, as well as other events the Town will be sponsoring throughout 2022. 

      The committee added back the Ice Cream Social that is historically held in Kiowa to celebrate Colorado Day, on August 1st. More to come on that. The committee removed the Kiowa Clean-up Day previously scheduled in May due to the anticipated costs to the Town associated with that event. The committee also threw around the idea of having a Street Pancake Breakfast the weekend prior (June 18th) to Cowboy Up Rodeo (June 24- 25), to offset the Street Fair that is no longer held in conjunction with the rodeo. The committee continues
      its efforts to bring back or establish more fun events that would bring the community together.
    • Colorado Municipal League (CML) conference grant 
      Ms. Boyd advised that prior to coming into meeting tonight she received word that the Town was not chosen for the grant for her to attend the 2022 conference in June. She was advised it was very competitive and there were only a limited number of grants available. We will try again next year.
  5. Public Works
    • Shop Heater
      One of the two shop heaters have ceased to work. Diagnosis and recommendations were requested from two (2) companies, one came in at $699 for the part to repair and the second at approximately $370. Ms. Boyd asked the later to proceed with ordering the part, which will take upwards of 2-3 weeks to get in. As explained by the technician, the inducer draft motor assembly, which calls for the heat has a safety function that is failing and not allowing the heater to cycle...it will just not allow it to turn on at all. 
    • Public Works truck
      Truck is inoperable again, unknown what the issue is. Mr. Mendez has tried numerous items in an attempt to get it back up and running. When Ms. Boyd spoke to Director Shafer advised he will take a look at it in his spare time.
    • TOK Equipment Surplus
      Mayor Kolm proposed to the board that they consider declaring the old "state" truck with plow on it as salvaged surplus equipment and selling it in a sealed bid, as it is never used and the funds necessary to bring it up to good working condition far exceeds the value of it today. Mayor Kolm advised it sat at the sewer plant for an undetermined number of years and the last quote to make all needed repairs was approximately $6,000. 

      Director Howard made the motion to approve declaring this equipment as salvaged surplus equipment and putting it up for a sealed bid. Director Chambers seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion. 

      Mayor Kolm proposed to the board that they consider declaring the old V-plow as salvaged surplus equipment and selling it in a sealed bid, as there have been inquiries into buying it from the Town and it is rarely, if ever, used. Director Smith advised there are various things wrong with the V-plow that makes the cost to bring it up to good operation status expensive. Director Smith also suggested going through the shop and pulling other equipment that is considerably out of date and no longer serving a useful need to the Town. 

      Director Smith made the motion to approve declaring the V-plow as salvaged surplus equipment and putting it up for a sealed bid. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.

Public Comment 

Debbie Ullom made a request that the Town bring the fire code up to date in the Town of Kiowa Municipal Code, current to the 2018 version, as it had already been passed in a previous resolution. Mr. Tibbals advised he will work with the entities currently working on the municipal code updates. Ms. Ullom asserted she had determined, with the help of County staff, that there have been no Town ordinances filed and recorded with the County since 2018.

Consent Items

  1. Approval of minutes from February 2022 BOT meeting
    Director Tapp made the motion to approve the minutes. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
  2. Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2022
    The year-to-date expenditures were provided for review in the meeting packets. Director Smith made the motion to approve the minutes. Director Tapp seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

    Discussion: Director Howard inquired as to the line-item cost for Parker Port-a-Potty for $7999.92. Ms. Boyd explained that the business had called her in January to advise there had not been one bill paid to them in all of 2021. They advised that it was an oversight on their park but explained that prior town administration had agreed to pay for the entire year in January 2021, but payment was never received. Debbie Ullom made note that the report did not seem to be picking up the money being paid by KWWA to TOK for the clerk's payroll. She and Ms. Boyd will investigate the reports to see if there is some tweaking that needs to be done to get that amount reflected appropriately.

Public Hearings

Director Smith moved to adjourn the open meeting at 7:41pm and move into public hearing, seconded by Director Tapp. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.

  1. Elizabeth Area Chamber of Commerce - Special Event Liquor License 
    No representatives were present from the Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce. Director Howard made the motion to approve the special event liquor license being requested by the Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce. Director Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
  2. Elbert County 4-H Leaders Council - Special Event Liquor License 
    Kelly Vincent, of the 4-H Leaders Council, was present to speak to the Board about her organization. Event is being held on April 23rd at the fairgrounds.

    Director Smith made the motion to approve the special event liquor license being requested by the Elbert County 4-H Leaders Council. Director Howard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

There was no public comment made. Ms. Chevarria confirmed that both organizations did their due diligence with submitting all paperwork properly, posting their notices of intention, and meeting all requirements of them in this process.

Director Smith moved to adjourn the public hearing at 7:48pm and move back into open meeting at 7:40pm, seconded by Director Tapp. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.

Old Business

  1. Kiowa Creek Development
    Ms. Boyd advised RFPs for civil engineering firms went out early last week. Deadline for responses is March 17th. Mr. Tibbals spoke with the attorney for Craft and asked them to submit maps that have not been submitted, to date, despite being requested to numerous times. He also advised that he requested they have one person designated at the point of contact for Craft so that the numerous communications and requests are better controlled and documented.

New Business

  1. Appointment of Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee members for 2022. 
    Town Clerk, Tasha Chevarria, swore in Wendy Frenzel, Andrew Lowry, Jack McNeeley, Lori Rafferty, and Debbie Ullom to the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee.


  1. TOK classification of tiny homes - Carey Kalisch
    Ms. Boyd provided board members with a copy of definitions currently in the Town code that pertains to structure types acceptable within the Town. The Town code does not, currently, have an exclusive definition for tiny homes. This item will be added to the list of codes and ordinances already being updated to the Town Municipal Code.




Director Tapp made the motion to adjourn at 8:25pm. Director Chambers seconded, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.

The next regular meeting will be on April 12th at Town Hall at 7:00pm