March 8, 2022 Agenda

Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting Agenda 
March 8, 2022 – 7pm 

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Agenda Consent

  • Approval of Agenda 

V. Staff Reports

  • Mayor 
  • Board of Trustees 
  • Town Attorney 
  • Town Administrator 
    • Code Enforcement 
    • MyPay Solutions 
    • TOK Easter Egg Hunt – April 9th and additional events
    • Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee for 2022 
  • Public Works 
    • Repairs for shop heater 

VI. Public Comments

VII. Consent Items

  • Approval of minutes from February 2022 BOT meeting 
  • Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2022 

VIII. Public Hearings

  • Elizabeth Area Chamber of Commerce – Special Event Liquor License 
  • Elbert County 4-H Leaders Council – Special Event Liquor License 

IX. Old Business

  • Kiowa Creek Development – RFP(s) for Civil Engineering Consulting 

X. New Business

  • Appointments of Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee for 2022 
    • Wendy Frenzel 
    • Andrew Lowry 
    • Lori Rafferty 
    • Jack McNeely, Advisory Member 
    • Debbie Ullom, Advisory Member 

XI. Discussion

  • TOK classification of tiny homes – Carey Kalisch 

XII. Correspondence/Information/Review/Discussion

XIII. Executive Session

XIV. Adjourn

Agenda Approved By: Rick Kolm Mayor, Town of Kiowa 

Date Posted: March 7, 2022 

Time Posted 4:00PM