Town of Kiowa Joint Planning Commission & Variance Committee
Record of Proceedings
March 16, 2022
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee Board of the Town of Kiowa was called to order at 6:18 pm by Director Cindy Tapp.
Roll Call
Present: Director Cindy Tapp, Lori Rafferty, Wendy Frenzel, and Andrew Lowry. There was a quorum to conduct business. In addition, Town Administrator, Kim Boyd, and Town Clerk, Tasha Chevarria.
Absent: Director Trevor Smith, Debbie Ullom, Jack McNeeley
Public Comment
Consent Items
Wendy Frenzel moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Andrew Lowry. Motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
Public Hearing
Old Business
New Business
- Choose Chairman of Joint Planning Commission & Variance Committee Meeting
Motion was made by Lori Rafferty to elect Wendy Frenzel as the Chairman of the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee Board, Andrew Lowry seconded. Motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
Motion was made by Wendy Frenzel to elect Andrew Lowry as the Co-Chairman of the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee Board, Lori Rafferty seconded. Motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
Chairperson Wendy Frenzel moved to adjourn the Planning Commission portion of the meeting at
6:41pm and move into the Variance Committee meeting to discuss variance matters, seconded by Co-Chairman Andrew Lowry. Motion carried 3-0 with no discussion. Variance for new Kiowa School sign
Ms. Boyd advised the Kiowa School C-2 was seeking a variance for a new sign to replace the previously one that was damaged by a windstorm. The new sign will sit five and a half inches taller and overall dimension is five (5) square feet larger than the original. The sign will sit on the same base as the original. The sign will have illuminating lighting, not strobe, flashing or variable lighting, to display school events and items of interest, unlike the original. Ms. Boyd noted Chapter 16 – Zoning - Article XIV - Sign Code Sec. 16-262. - Prohibited signs, it is noted, “The following types of signs are prohibited in all zone districts:- Signs that revolve, rotate or have any other mechanical motion.
- Strobe lights.
- Signs larger than fifteen (15) square feet with flashing or variable lights; and
- Off-premises signs, portable signs, temporary signs, banners or pennants, except as allowed under these regulations for special events.”
Ms. Chevarria noted that in the Town code, Chapter 16 – Zoning - Article XIV - Sign Code; Sec. 16-266 - Public and semipublic use signs, it is noted “Signs permitted in the I-3, F, A-1 and S-1 zone districts shall be limited to the following types and sizes of signs accessory to any public or semipublic use: one (1) identification sign per building for a public or semipublic use, provided that such sign does not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet in area per face (single- or double-faced), is wall-mounted or does not exceed six (6) feet in height.” Kiowa school is in the S-1 zone district.
Chairman Frenzel felt Ms. Chevarria’s section was more applicable to the school, as a public or semi-public facility. Co-Chairman Lowry affirmed this sign request was presented to the State of Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Ms. Boyd affirmed that part of their application for variance included a letter from CDOT who responded their only request is that it be maintained outside of CDOT right of way in its entirety. Ms. Rafferty observed that if they were applying this variance to Chapter 16 – Zoning - Article XIV - Sign Code; Sec. 16-266 - Public and semipublic use signs, the variance needed would only be a difference of nineteen (19) square feet, considering the lighting of the sign is neither strobe, flashing nor variable, which are all prohibited by the Town Code and not of issue with this request.
Chairman Frenzel moved to make a recommendation for approval of the variance request to the Board of Trustees, seconded by Co-Chairman Lowry. Motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.
Chairperson Wendy Frenzel moved to adjourn the Variance Committee portion of the meeting at 6:56pm and move back into the Planning Commission meeting to discuss the rest of the matters on tonight’s agenda, seconded by Co-Chairman Andrew Lowry. Motion carried 3-0 with no discussion.Discuss current Muni code and suggested updates.
Chairman Frenzel suggested the following changes be made regarding the current Sketch Plan Application being used by the Town:- A request for electronic image be added to Sketch Plan Exhibits.
- More than one (1) copy, as many as three (3) copies of a full-size paper map, properly folded, provided, as specified in Municipal Code Section 17-34 (d).
- Include a fee for the sign required for public posting and suggested hiring a sign company that would do both, make the sign and put them up. She advised this is the procedure the Town of Parker currently has in place.
Chairman Lowry suggested the following changes be made regarding the current Subdivision Minor Development Application
- Request the size of the minor plat map be changed from 11”x17” size to 24”x36” at scale. He suggested the 11”x17” is not a proper viewable size.
All members took issue with the current Planning Commission Review Fee being currently charged by the Town, which is $100 and an application fee of $500, they suggested we make an inquiring into how the Town of Elizabeth is setting their fee schedule, since they are currently experiencing an influx of development there.
Lori Rafferty noted that the Town’s Code, specifically Chapter 16 – Zoning - Article X - Planning Commission; Sec. 16-174. – Meetings, currently sets the time for monthly Planning Commission meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm, unless by a majority vote of the voting members of the Planning Commission some other day and time is selected. There was discussion that this time was not always good for all members and a request to change that time was made by Chairman Frenzel. Agreement by all present that this can be put to a vote at the next monthly meeting when more members are in attendance.
Executive Session
Chairman Frenzel made the motion to adjourn at 7:49pm. Co-Chairman Lowry seconded, and the motion carried 4-0 with no discussion.
The next regular meeting will be on April 20th at Town Hall at 6:00pm
Minutes approved by:
Wendy Frenzel, Chairperson Kimberly Boyd, Town Administrator
Action may be taken on any and all items listed on the agenda.
All visitors must contact the Town Clerk five (5) business days before a scheduled meeting to be placed on the agenda. Ifspecial accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 303-621-2366 prior to the meeting.