Call to Order
The special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Kiowa was called to order on July 26, 2023, at 6:06 PM by Mayor Rick Kolm.
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Rick Kolm
Mayor Pro Tem Trevor Smith
Director Josh Baker
Director Andrew Lowry
Director Baillie Wineland
Director Terry Howard
Director Jonathon Shafer arrived late at 6:51pm
The Town of Kiowa had a· quorum to conduct business.
Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd
Town Clerk: Katti Arnold
Town Counsel: Ruth Borne
Debbie Ullom, KWWA
Eric Whitman, KWWA
Tim Craft, KWWA, appeared via Zoom.
Annette Burmaster, KWWA, appeared via Zoom.
Teresa Lowry, KWWA appeared via Zoom.
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Rick Kolm led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.
Public Hearing
Director Howard moved to adjourn the open meeting at 6:07pm and move into public hearing, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Smith. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Director Howard moved to move into public hearing at 6:07pm, seconded by Director Wineland. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
The Board took into consideration through discussion instituting an emergency moratorium to allow the Town 180 days to finalize updates regarding land use applications and impacts fees to its existing Municipal Code by and through proposed Ordinance 3, Series 2023: An emergency ordinance of the Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees of the Town of Kiowa, Colorado, providing for a 180-day moratorium on the acceptance and processing of applications for development.
Director Howard moved to move out of public hearing at 6:35pm, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Smith. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Director Howard moved to move back into open meeting at 6:35pm, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Smith. Motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Mayor Pro Tem Smith made the motion to revise the ordinance by making it only applicable to residential, there was not a second given to the motion. Motion failed for lack of a second.
Director Howard made the motion to revise the ordinance by making specific exception to the current land use and zoning applications submitted on behalf of Farmers State Bank, as well as the pending land use and zoning applications of the Kiowa Schools and Elbert County Historical Society, seconded by Director Wineland. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Work Session
- Mayor opened the work session for the ToK and KWWA proposed revised operating agreement. Members of both the Town Board of Trustees and the KWWA Board made comments on the proposed revisions of the operating agreement. There were no members of the public present to give public comments regarding the agreement. No formal action nor vote was taken by the Board regarding this work session.
Director Baker made the motion to adjourn at 8:31pm. Mayor Pro Tem Smith seconded, and the motion carried 6-0 with no discussion.
The next regular meeting will be on August 8th at Town Hall at 7:00pm