Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Town of Kiowa Planning Commission was called to order at 6:02pm by Chairperson Wendy Frenzel.
Roll Call
Present: Chairperson Wendy Frenzel, Co-Chairperson Todd Lane, Commissioner Sandy Kalish, Commissioner Lori Rafferty, Commissioner Shannon Lane, Mayor Rick Kolm, and Trustee Terry Howard present via Zoom.
Absent: Commissioner Julie Mizak, Mayor Pro Tern Trevor Smith, and Attorney Ruth Borne.
There was a quorum to conduct business.
Also present:
Kim Boyd, Town Administrator
Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk
Public Comment
Consent Items
Chairperson Wendy Frenzel entertained a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made a motion to approve the agenda. Co-Chairperson Todd Lane seconded the motion, and the motion was carried 5-0 with no discussion.
Chairperson Wendy Frenzel entertained a motion to approve the minutes with a couple typo changes. Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 19, 2024, meeting with revisions. Commissioner Shannon Lane seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0 with no discussion.
New Business
- Rezone application - 326 Comanche St., Kiowa, CO 80117
- Use by special review/variance -Boutique Hotel/Bed & Breakfast
Joey Kuhn made her presentation to the board about wanting to convert the previous Colorado bank building to a boutique hotel. She outlined her plans and how she thought it would benefit the community, both with offering a needed service, especially for weddings and graduations and bringing money into the community both through lodging taxes and when people spent money at our restaurants and other entertainment. It was discussed that if there was board approval, then the following items would need to be dealt with: Business Application, Building Permit Application, Sign Permit Application and possibly a Fence Permit Application.
Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made a motion to move the special use application for a boutique hotel at 326 Comanche St., Kiowa, CO forward to the Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees for their review and final approval. Co-Chairperson Todd Lane seconded, and the motion carried with no further discussion.
Following the discussion about the hotel, Joey expressed concerns about the options she had for the building in the Town Center, based on the new code updates. Based on the current proposed zoning codes, there are only six options for businesses in the town center, which do not include a bar or a car lot, which are already present. It was discussed that this will be brought up at the next meeting and refined, since the zoning codes had not been finalized yet.
- Use by special review/variance -Boutique Hotel/Bed & Breakfast
Old Business
Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made the motion to adjourn at 6:45 pm. Commissioner Shannon Lane seconded, and the motion carried with no discussion.
The next regular meeting will be on August 21, 2024, at Town Hall at 6:00 p.m.