July 12, 2022 Agenda

Town of Kiowa Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda

July 12, 2022 - 7pm

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Agenda Consent

  • Approval of Agenda

V. Staff Reports

  • Mayor
  • Board of Trustees
  • Town Attorney
    • Franchise tax from Comcast
    • Franchise tax from Starlink
    • Municode updates
  • Town Administrator
    • ARPA Funds
    • Colorado Day Ice Cream Social - August 1 st
    • Park pavilions
  • Public Works
  • Code Enforcement
    • Second Quarter Report

VI. Public Comments

VII. Consent Items

  • Approval of minutes from June 2022 BOT monthly meeting and June 2, 2022 Special Meeting
  • Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2022


IX. Old Business

  • Review of sealed bids for surplus equipment
  • Contract with Rachel Summers for grant writing services
  • Draft proposed IGA with Elbert County and Elbert County Sheriff's Office and Resolution 2022 - 03: Resolution Approving and Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Elbert County and Elbert County Sheriff for Provisions of Law Enforcement Services.

X. New Business

  • Resolution 2022-04: Resolution Establishing a Special District Policy and Procedures
  • Resolution 2022-05: Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Statewide Internet Portal Authority
  • Resolution 2022-06: Election Resolution

XI. Discussion

XII. Correspondence/Information/Review/Discussion

XIII. Executive Session

XIV. Adjourn

Agenda Approved By: Rick Kolm Mayor, Town of Kiowa

Date Posted: July 2022

Time Posted 4:00PM