Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Joint Planning and Variance Commission of the Town of Kiowa was called to order at 6:00pm by Co-Chairperson Todd Lane.
Roll Call
Present: Co-Chairperson Todd Lane, Commissioner Sandy Kalish, Member Shannon Lane, Member Lori Rafferty, and Mayor Rick Kolm. Town Board Member Terry Howard joined on Zoom at 6:08pm.
Absent: Chaitperson Wendy Frenzel, Member Julie Mizak and Mayor Pro Tern Trevor Smith.
There was a quorum to conduct business.
Also present:
Ruth Borne, Town Legal Counsel on Zoom
Kim Boyd, Town Administrator on Zoom
Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk
Public Comment
Consent Items
- Approval of agenda
Co-Chairperson Todd Lane made a motion for approval of the agenda. Lori Rafferty seconded, and the motion carried with no discussion. - Approval of minutes from December 13, 2023, meeting
Sandy Kalish made the motion to approve the minutes with the amendment to change "Kiowa Historical Society" to "Elbert County Historical Society" from the December 13, 2023, meeting. Shannon Lane seconded, and the motion carried with no discussion.
New Business
The main discussions about the municipal code included the following:
- Accessory use buildings and what that entails.
- Idling cars/vehicles - hours allowed/disallowed.
- Retail business vs. home business
- Long term vending permits for food trucks.
- Mobile food trucks and push carts and trailers - definitions.
- Sign permits - regulating length of stay and locations.
- Heavy equipment vs. work vehicles - definitions.
There was also discussion regarding having the town's zoning map posted in town hall and available during regular posted business hours.
Lastly, there was discussion about public notices and the fact that the paper has gotten expensive and not many people subscribe to or read it. It was noted that having it posted on the website and on the board outside of town hall should be sufficient.
Old Business
Sandy Kalish made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Shannon Lane seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21pm with no further discussion.
The next meeting will be on January 3, 2024, at the Town Hall at 6:00pm.