August 8, 2023 Agenda

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Agenda Consent

  • Approval of Agenda

Staff Reports

  • Mayor
  • Board of Trustees
    • Director Baker – town equipment
  • Town Attorney
  • Town Administrator
  • Public Works
  • Code Enforcement (3rd quarter report due in October)

Consent Items

  • Approval of Minutes from July 11, 2023 Monthly Meeting and July 26, 2023 Special Meeting
  • Expenditures for Year-to-Date 2023

Public Hearings

  • Ordinance 4, Series 2023: An ordinance approving the conveyance of certain property rights and water rights to the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority
  • Ordinance 5, Series 2023, An ordinance approving rezoning of 434 Comanche Street and amending the Town Zoning map from R-1 Residential to C-1 Retail Business District

Public Comments

Old Business

New Business

  • Resolution 5, Series 2023: A Resolution declaring property surplus for sale or disposal



Agenda Approved By:

Rick Kolm
Mayor, Town of Kiowa