August 21, 2024 Planning Commission Minutes

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Town of Kiowa Planning Commission was called to order at 6:02pm by Co­Chairperson Todd Lane. 

Roll Call

Present: Co-Chairperson Todd Lane, Commissioner Sandy Kalish, Commissioner Julie Mizak, Commissioner Shannon Lane, Town Trustee Terry Howard, Town Trustee Tammy Hart, and Commissioner Lori Rafferty via Zoom. 

Absent: Chairperson Wendy Frenzel, Mayor Rick Kolm, Mayor Pro Tern Trevor Smith, and Attorney Ruth Borne. 

There was a quorum to conduct business. 

Also present: 
Kim Boyd, Town Administrator 
Sasha Davidson, Town Clerk 

Public Comment

Joey Kuhn- Commented on the limited availability of options for the buildings in town center and the fact that she is invested in the community but is frustrated by her inability to open new businesses. 

Consent Items

Co-Chairperson Todd Lane entertained a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Julie Mizak made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Sandy Kalisch seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion. 

Co-Chairperson Todd Lane entertained a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 17, 2024, meeting. Commissioner Shannon Lane seconded the motion, with Commissioner Julie Mizak abstaining, and the motion passed 4-0 with no discussion. 

New Business

  1. Business Application - Foster Houts - American Custom Ag.
    Foster spoke about the business he would like to open on his property to sell hay, oil field pipe, railroad ties, water containers, and other agricultural items. There was a question about where he gets his hay from, and he stated that he owns land in Nebraska so that is where they get 90% of it and then 10% from other farmers in Nebraska. He also owns a trucking business, so that is how it is transported into Kiowa. He sells hay in Nebraska also and is looking to expand his business.

    Co-Chairperson Todd Lane entertained a motion to approve the business application and send it to the Kiowa Town Board of Trustees for final approval. Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made a motion to move the application forward to the Town Board of Trustees for final approval. Commissioner Julie Mizak seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.  

Old Business

  1. Update to Zoning Code
    1. Chapter 16 - Changes to Article VI - Section 16.61 - Table of Uses - Nonresidential Zone Districts.
      1. Town Center - The board looked at the options that could be allowed in the Town Center area, reviewed the current options that are permitted, under special review and not allowed. Each item was reviewed, and decisions were made about its status. It was brought up that there are items that could be added to the list that are not included. It was noted that the board should consider other possible options to assist with growth. In addition, the idea of keeping the historic town center vibe with a "face lift" was recognized as a factor that needed to be considered for current and future business. Furthermore, the road and bridge rehabilitation was discussed, which will also help with traffic management and making businesses more accessible with ADA compliant sidewalks.
      2. Group Homes - The definition of group homes, specifically with the language dealing with Child Predator/Sex Offenders was discussed. Co-Chairperson Todd Lane made a motion to accept the new definition and move it to the Kiowa Town Board for final approval for the code. Sandy Kalisch seconded the motion, and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.
      3. Natural Medicine Clinics - The board was asked to look over enacting a zoning ordinance to the town code regarding regulation of natural medicine businesses, including cultivation, manufacturing, testing, storage, distribution, transfer and dispensation of such products by a business. After some discussion, Co-Commissioner Todd Lane entertained a motion to table the issue until the board had more time to review it until the meeting on August 28, 2024. Commissioner Julie Mizak made a motion to table the discussion until the meeting on August 28, 2024. Sandy Kalisch seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion.




Co-Commissioner Todd Lane entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Sandy Kalisch made the motion to adjourn at 7:22 pm. Commissioner Shannon Lane seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0 with no discussion. 

The next regular meeting will be on August 28, 2024, at Town Hall at 6:00 p.m.