Town of Kiowa Joint Planning Commission & Variance Committee Minutes
August 17, 2022
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee of the Town of Kiowa was called to order at 6:01 pm by Chairperson Wendy Frenzel.
Roll Call
Present: Mayor Rick Kolm, Mayor Pro Tern Cindy Tapp, Director Trevor Smith, Sandy Kalisch, Chairperson Wendy Frenzel, and Co-Chairperson Andrew Lowry. There was a quorum to conduct business. In addition, Town Administrator, Kim Boyd, and Town Clerk, Tasha Chevarria.
Absent: Lori Rafferty
Public Comment
Consent Items
- Approval of agenda
Chairperson Frenzel made the motion to revise agenda and move New Business before Public Hearings. Co-Chairperson Lowry seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.
New Business
- Resignation of Debbie Ullom
Chairperson Frenzel made the motion to accept the resignation of Debbie Ullom from the Joint Planning Commission and Variance Committee. Ms. Kalisch seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.
Chairperson Frenzel made motion to move out of regular meeting and into public hearing. Co
Chairperson Lowry seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.
Public Hearing
- Variance request from Nikki and Debbie Ullom for 223 Navajo Street
Ms. Ullom advised they are seeking a 6" variance for setbacks on the property located at 223 Navajo Street.
Discussion: Co-Chairperson Lowry inquired as to how many parking spaces will be provided in this space and Ms. Ullom asserted three (3). Ms. Kalisch inquired as to whether the Ullom's knew this space was this small when they purchased it and Ms. Ullom affirmed, they did. Ms. Boyd read to the participants of the meeting the definition and circumstances under which one would seek a variance, as provided by legal counsel prior to the meeting and affirmed that by that definition there is no reason to deny this variance, as it qualifies for one under all seven criteria to meet qualification for one. Ms. Chevarria and Ms. Boyd both confirmed that the variance process has been conducted incorrectly in years past and if the Ulloms are approved for this variance by this committee then this is where the process stops, it will not move forward to the Board for further consideration, as a planning issue would. Likewise, if the committee denies their variance, then it would, in fact, move to the Board for final consideration on appeal.
Co-Chairperson Lowry made motion to approve the variance of Nikki and Debbie Ullom. Chairperson Frenzel seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no further discussion.
Chairperson Frenzel made a motion to move out of the public hearing and back into regular meeting. Co-Chairperson Lowry seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.
Old Business
Executive Session
Co-Chairperson Lowry made the motion to adjourn at 6:19pm. Chairperson Frenzel seconded, and the motion carried 2-0 with no discussion.
The next regular meeting will be on September 21st at Town Hall at 6:00pm
Minutes approved by:
Wendy Frenzel, Chairperson
Kimberly Boyd, Town Administrator
Action may be taken on any and all items listed on the agenda.
All visitors must contact the Town Clerk five (5) business days before a scheduled meeting to be placed on the agenda. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 303-621-2366 prior to the meeting.