Town of Kiowa Water & Wastewater Authority
Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 12th, 2022
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Kiowa Water and Wastewater Authority was called to order on April 12th, 2022, at 6:01pm by President Debbie Ullom with the following in attendance:
Directors: Eric Whitman, Annette Burmaster, and Tim Craft.
Headways Consultant LLC: Paul Grant
Town Clerk: Tasha Chevarria
Mayor: Rickard Kolm
Town Administrator: Kimberly Boyd
Public: Beth Shelly and Richard Croissant on zoom
Elbert County: Bobby Chevarria
Consent Items
- Approval of Agenda
Eric Whitman made the motion to approve the April agenda. Tim Craft seconded and the motion carried 4-0, the agenda was approved. - Approval of Minutes
Annette Burmaster made the motion to approve the March 8th meeting minutes as written. Eric Whitman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0, the minutes were approved.
Financial Report
Debbie Ullom presented the current financials as prepared by Kimberly Boyd.
Staff Report
- Paul Grant, Headways
Paul's monthly report was included in the packet for everyone to review. Paul reported that Motive Jet Pump #1 (SBR 1) has a bad seal, he is waiting for a quote on the repair. After discussion, it was determined that the two pumps, SBR 1 and 2, are the same. SBR 1 needs a new seal and SBR 2 has been replaced and is operating. In order to save time and the cost of crane mobilizations, Eric Whitman made the motion to have the pump that was pulled from SBR 2 and is at the shop now, rebuilt and used to replace SBR 1. Then evaluate repairing SBR 1 to have as a spare in case either pump fails again. Annette Burmaster seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. Turnaround time on the rebuild is 4-6 weeks. - Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk
Tasha's report was included in the packet for everyone to review. Tasha presented the monthly usage and loss report to the Board and reported that the April bills will be the first set generated out of the new software.
Public Comments
Richard Croissant stated that the new meters are reading per gallon rather than per thousand gallons like the old meters and that the billing is being done per gallon instead of per thousand gallons. The discussion was had that the rate per thousand gallons has not changed and that usage is now able to be billed more accurately due to more accurate readings. To clarify this change, the board will have the wording revised in the new rate resolution. He also asked how long the $3.00 meter surcharge will be in place and confirmed that new meters being installed will have freeze plates.
Old Business
- Resolution regarding sewer charges on irrigation taps
The Board has had the resolution to review and make comments. The attorneys are working on drafting the resolution with the suggested changes.
New Business
- IGA with Elbert County for water and sewer service at new Road & Bridge shop
Bobby Chevarria, Facilities Manager for Elbert County, spoke to the board regarding an IGA for water and sewer service at the shop being built on the East side of Town just outside the Town limits. There was discussion about the number of taps and/or meters, the size of the service lines, which will have to be engineered based on volume, and where they will be tying in for both sewer and water. If everyone is in agreement about what needs to be addressed in the IGA, the county will draft it and get it to KWWA to have it reviewed. Tim Craft made the motion to provide a will serve letter to Elbert County Road & Bridge so they can move forward with the project, Eric Whitman seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. Debbie Ullom will work with Kimberly Boyd to get the letter done. - WWE report on creek crossing
Due to time constraints, this will be tabled until next meeting.
Eric Whitman made the motion to adjourn, Annette Burmaster seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:05pm
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday May 10th, 2022, at Town Hall at 6:00pm
Minutes Approved by:
Debbie Ullom, President
Tasha Chevarria, Town Clerk